Psalm 91:1

The secret place

Psalm 91:1 He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the almighty.

dwell: to make one’s home; reside. Dwell on (or upon) to linger over in thought or speech.

He is watching over us & protecting us always when we are in the secret place…so No Worries 😊☮️

So, to dwell in the secret place is to reside with God only. You will experience fear and doubt, joy and Hope. Choose to dwell with joy and hope.

Abide under The Shadow just the way you would abide under an authority figure such as the government, or parent, or a teacher, a cup etc you want to do your test to the best of your ability, happily to make the authority figure happy. You would do your best to not make any mistakes. God understands we are not perfect. But don’t call yourself a sinner, or a failure. Practice will make you perfect. Renew your mind, Romans 12:2…

Romans 12:2 and be not conformed to this world; but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is. That good and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

I’m not doing it to be cruel, I’m doing it to keep you safe -God

When you dwell in the secret place, do it wholeheartedly happily and you will succeed in whatever you do. -The Author

Sending Love 💞 to All of You! -jc

The Path of Praising God

You have already chosen your path. Now just focus on getting your foundations (just like God layed the foundations of the Earth.the seeds planted in you..{the basics of your wants} There is a seed of love & a seed of hate. You also will experience fear & doubt. James 1:6

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To stay on the path of praising God you must always choose to acknowledge God. (which is love ❤) in all your ways. Proverbs 3:6 Then he will direct your path.

Feel It:

Charity: The bond of perfectness. Colossians 3:14

       Please read 1 Corinthians 13:1-10

  When he speaks of charity, he means feeling love in your heart.
  I had to learn to open my heart due to sufferings of childhood.My heart was numb..
  As far as 8-10 he explains that you may go through trials of perhaps thinking you now knowevery detail of your futurewalk with God, every step you will take, or how everything will or must happen. When he says 'you know inpart',means he will not reveal it all to you until the proper time. You must go through seasons of trials & learning.
  You just focus on your goals.(the ending results) How it gets here doesn't matter. Just stick to the basics, & enjoy the ride, because everything will work out to your good.Romans 8:28
  Romans 13:13: 
And now abideth in faith, hope, charity, these 3; but the greatest of these is charity.
           charity = love
       (remember to feel the love❤)
        [it will take practice]
  Try this: in your heart try to feel thankfulness. Direct it toward god or whatever or whoever.
        Love is a powerful thing to feel. 
                So start small. 


I imagine a trains momentumgoing in one direction, is slowing down to turn around & head another direction. 
   Well, once your train is headed in the way you like, you will get the momentum going & there will be no stoping you!!
  Satan will try,tho,ok. member, no worries!!☺ Be happy
 a train is a hard thing to stop; correct? Well, think about trains. They are on track in one direction, & the momentum will become stronger & stonger. Imagine if someone standing was on those tracks. Imagine it being Satan.

Your Momentum

  Which way is your momentum? What do you see more of?  👉 Love or Hate? In the middle right now?
  If you are putting out love, then you are receiving love & vice versa.(what goes around comes around)
  Say, you must go to work one day that you are sick, and you don't feel like putting up with anything or anyone.But you can't go around treating people like you feel.(bad) So you act nice,even though you are not feeling it. You will receive from others the way you truly feel.
 1 Corinthians 13:3 -And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profith me nothing.

How to Strengthen Your Momentum

A great way to strenghthen your momentum is to sit , relax, close your eyes, take three deep breaths, and then start to focus on one thing around you. Light music, a fan,or ac, etc..
 Every time you notice your mind wondering on something else, just gently bring it back to what you are focusing on. Practice this. It will be hard at first, especially if you have ADHD. Practice will make perfect.
Photo by Luis Quintero on